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My 2003 By Bill Wetzel
MontaukJune 2003 was not significant in the numbers produced, but I was happy with putting George Bowen on to a nice 36lb bass on Montauks north side. As in May my primary June focus was Montauk, and there were a few nice fish in the fifties pulled out of Montauks suds that month. All the big girls were taken on plugs- so the sources said. Continued cool water temps and rain, throughout the month made me wonder what affect it would have on the bait that month. The rain caused mass erosion in Montauk with some of her bluffs being lost at the sea. This made for muddy water conditions, and sustained cool water temperatures. Porgies were the talk of the town, and that is what the cows were feeding on throughout the month. Big baits like darters, bottle plugs, and 6” wild eyes were all good porgy imitations that landed my charters and myself some quality stripers.
North ShoreWhen I looked at my stats I asked myself- five hours and only 5 fish, ON THE NORTH SHORE? Most years I pound the North Shore during June, as it is for me, the most consistent fishing on the island. The North Shore estuaries fill up with loads of spearing, sand eels, peanuts, and other primary striper baits. Many Stripers will reside in the North shore structure for the entire month, and can be picked night after night on specific tides. Needlefish, mambo minnows, 3” slug-o teasers, are some of my North Shore go-tos in June. Talk about pattern fishing, the North Shore in June and August is all about patterns. So why didn’t I fish it hard? For one reason, my scouting missions found that there was a serious bait shortage at just about everywhere I scouted. Because of that I diverted my attention, and my charters attention elsewhere. Not to mention the fact that there were some large prowling the suds of Montauk.
South ShoreThirty-three hours on the South Shore and only 13 bass. That’s telling. My usual South Shore haunts simply lacked bait. West end two saw loads of bait and blue fish that they say you could walk on. When I hear blue fish, and no bass I’ll usually try it for myself. If I cannot find bass under the blues, or in separate schools I head for the hills, which was what I did last year. I love to target weakies this mouth, but in 2003 with all the fifties taken, you know what was on my mind. Roaming the South Shore back bays this month takes guts and lots of bug spray, but most years you can find nice stripers and plenty of weakies by walking and working the grass lines. Most guys either do not know the life that the grass lines hold, or they are smart enough not to track back there and feed the mosquitoes. But if you want to win it ya gotta be in it.
The Stats
1.Total # of trips- 17 7. Total # of bass caught in Montauk-26 2. Total# of Hours fished-
8. Total # of bass caught for 3. Total # of hours fished in Montauk- 53.5 9.
Total # of bass caught for 4. Total # of hours for North Shore- 5.5 10.Total # of bass caught-44 5. Total hours for South Shore-33 11.Total # of blues caught-23 6. Other-0 12. Total # of weakfish caught- 1 13.Total # of bass 10-15 lbs-4 17. % Of charters that caught fish-75% 14. Total# of bass 16-25lbs-3
18. Total # of skunks with 15. Total number of bass 17-34lbs-0 16. Total number of bass above 35lbs-1-36lbs
Moon Phases
19. Total fish caught from new to full (up swing)-13 20. Hours fished from new to full-29.5 21. Total fish caught from full to new (down swing)-40 22. Hours fished from full to new-45 23. Total fish caught on FULL-1 in 6 hours 24. Total fished caught on NEW- 13 in 12 hours
Wrap UpAfter looking at the stats for the moon phases for May and June 2003 the new moon takes the prize. Things may have been different if I had fished a full moon in 2003 with cloud cover and rain, or found a cinder worm hatch on the North Shore. For 2004 I am looking for lots of Back Bay fish on sand eels, as I already booked many charters there. My primary target will be MECCA. I think from mid May to late June will be my best chance at some moo moo’s I have ever had. I dropped some huge fish last year due to hook failure, and have made the switch to another brand of hooks- so we will see how that pans out. I have noticed an increase over the last two year of large fish, the theories for this are many, but I’ll just accept what is, and pray for what is to come.
Copyright April, 2004 Click Here
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